
Show details :
A performance by: Victor Olăhuț

Including text by: George Gordon Byron, John M. Hull and Liviu Oros

Original music and cast: Marin Grigore, Vlad Robaș
Translated by: Florentina Năstase
Set: Florin Magda

Premiere date: 15.10.2020
Performance in Romanian, with translation into English

Show type : Drama
Duration : 1h 13min

'“Horizon” is a musical performance about our amazement to be here and now. The concerts of the “Four Seasons” only made sense to others when the author wrote accompanying descriptive sonnets. We did things the other way around. Starting from the text, we extrapolated with music. We haven’t reached an answer yet, but the road is truly exciting.’ – Victor Olăhuț
The show “Horizon” was created as part of the project “Lumina din spatele privirii”, implemented by the Association Cultură'n Șură and co-financed by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund. Partners: “Radu Stanca” National Theatre Sibiu, Hangar F, #Reactor de Creaţie şi Experiment, Replika Educational Theatre Centre, Cento Group, Sălaj County Cultural and Arts Centre, Teatrul de Artă Bucharest, Spotmedia.ro