The Carpathians as stains on my skin

Show details :
Directed by: Mira Stadler
By: Thomas Perle

Text by: Thomas Perle

Stage design: Moritz Müller
Costume design: Elena Kreuzberger
Music: Bernhard Eder
Light design: Enrico Zych
Dramaturgy: Alexander Kerlin
Cast: Alexandra Henkel, Stefanie Dvorak, Lena Kalisch

Performance in German, with translation into Romanian and English
Show type : Theater
Duration : 1h
Premier Date : 07-05-2023

“Karpatenflecken” places three women from three generations at the centre of a historical panorama originating in a small region in the Wooded  Carpathians of Romania. Grandmother, daughter, and granddaughter cross political, geographical, and linguistic boundaries as they race through the history of the 20th and 21st centuries. Thomas Perle has written an unsentimental work that is comfortable with many languages, including one that has almost faded into obscurity.

With “karpatenflecken” Thomas Perle won the renowned Retzhofer Dramapreis 2019 and the NESTROY 2023 for BEST PLAY.

"The performance relies on an anthropological approach: humans and landscape shape each other and cause mutual change." - FALTER