The story of Antigone and her tragic fate in the struggle to assert her own beliefs is well known. But too few know the story of her sister Ismena - who, trying to avoid the curse that decimated her family, is left alone to mourn the death of her loved ones. In a disarming confession, Ismena comes forward to tell her side of the story. Ismena, that is, her sister, who survives to see how all her happiness is nothing but a farce at the hands of the gods. With tenderness and sincerity, Cristina Ragos offers us a sensitive one-woman show about pain and healing, about loss and hope, but also about the fragility of a world that, in the face of the thirst for power, loses its own humanity.
"Her Sister, a story that seems insignificant, but with a shocking impact, with which I identified from the first reading, as if it were an x-ray of my own experiences. Her sister, Ismena, a wandering and haunted soul, whom I so desperately wanted to somehow save, to free, by telling her story and thus... interpreting it. In fact... to save Cristina Ragos, to save myself. Yes, I wanted to be her hero and to be my own hero!" - actress Cristina Ragos.